Waveguide Quantum ElectroDynamics (QED) is an emerging area of quantum optics that investigates the coherent coupling between one or more quantum emitters and a photonic waveguide.
The workshop aims at bringing together major experts working on this topic. This is the second edition of WQED workshops series. The first edition was held in 2018 (see dedicated website).
Scientific Organizing Committee:
Francesco Ciccarello (NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR & University of Palermo)
Harold U. Baranger (Duke University, USA)
Massimo Palma (NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR & University of Palermo)
Peter Rabl (TU Wien, Austria)
Darrick Chang (ICFO, Spain)
Local Organizers:
Federico Roccati (University of Palermo), Daniele De Bernardis (TU Wien), Rocio Saez Blazquez (TU Wien)
The workshop aims at bringing together major experts working on this topic. This is the second edition of WQED workshops series. The first edition was held in 2018 (see dedicated website).
Scientific Organizing Committee:
Francesco Ciccarello (NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR & University of Palermo)
Harold U. Baranger (Duke University, USA)
Massimo Palma (NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR & University of Palermo)
Peter Rabl (TU Wien, Austria)
Darrick Chang (ICFO, Spain)
Local Organizers:
Federico Roccati (University of Palermo), Daniele De Bernardis (TU Wien), Rocio Saez Blazquez (TU Wien)